TEXT control works on the subject of "resource management" RIU TANTAL
Task 1
Question 1: What are the main stages of human resources policy?
1. The cross-cutting and sector;
2. The methodological and applied;
3. The national and intraproductive;
4. early and direct training;
5. there is no right answer.
Question 2. What are the particular processes are integrated into the management process?
1. planning;
2. Organization;
3. regulation;
4. control, accounting;
5. all of the above.
Question 3: Who is the subjects of human resource management?
1. Line management personnel;
2. a functional unit;
3. The director of the company;
4. Line management personnel, a functional unit;
5. The head of the personnel department.
Question 4. Who can be attributed to the project management staff?
1. The individual employee;
2. unit (group);
3. The line manager;
4. The function of the head;
5. there is no right answer.
Question 5. What is subordinate to the chief engineer?
1. The Human Resources Department;
2. institutions;
3. safety department;
4. farms;
5. militarized security.
Task 2
Question 1. What is the basic structural unit of the organization to address governance issues?
1. safety department;
2. Department of organization of labor and wages;
3. Department of the organization of production and management;
4. Human Resources Department;
5. Legal.
Question 2. What are the structural units subordinated to the Deputy Director of Human Resources?
1. safety department, the personnel department;
2. health and safety department, personnel department, the organization of labor and wages;
3. The personnel department, training, militarized security;
4. Legal Department, Human Resources Department;
5. medical institutions, farm.
Question 3. What groups of factors have an impact on people in the organization?
1. The laws and rules;
2. motivation, discipline;
3. The market, culture, structure;
4. finance, manufacturing;
5. there is no right answer.
Question 4. The hierarchical structure - the ratio ...
1. Head - Head;
2. The functions - tasks;
3. power - subjection;
4. HR - workers;
5. there is no right answer.
Question 5. What are the main resources within the organization?
1. The raw materials;
2. tangible assets;
3. Culture;
4. workers;
5. information.
Activity 3
Question 1. What is the main organization for the outside?
1. resources;
2. Information;
3. Consumers;
4. allied;
5. competitors.
Question 2. What is the number of functional subsystems of personnel management?
1. 3;
2. 5;
3. 6;
4. 9;
5. 10.
Question 3: On the basis of which services are the new services of personnel management?
1. The Human Resources Department;
2. Department of organization of labor and wages;
3. Department of Occupational Health and Safety;
4. All of the above;
5. there is no right answer.
Question 4: What is the main purpose of the system of personnel management?
1. staffing;
2. Organization of the efficient use of personnel;
3. professional and social development of staff;
4. All of the above;
5. there is no right answer.
Question 5. What are the new challenges appeared in the activities of personnel services?
1. The promotion of labor;
2. The management of professional advancement;
3. The management of conflicts;
4. The study of resource markets;
5. All of the above.
Task 4
Question 1. What is the principle?
1. Law;
2. rule;
3. Method;
4. regularity;
5. is not the correct answer.
Question 2. What are the principles of the construction group HR management systems (EMS)?
1. The principles that characterize the requirements for the formation of an EMS;
2. The principles that guide the development of EMS;
3. The principles of efficiency
4. The contents
Task 7
Question 1: How many types of objectives can be identified in the analysis of the organization?
1. 3;
2. 2;
3. 4; ***********
4. 5;
5. 6.
Question 2: To what kind of objectives of the organization are "reaching the desired degree of satisfaction of the social needs of workers"?
1. economic;
2. The scientific and technical;
3. Social; ************
4. industrial and commercial;
5. all of the above.
Question 3. How many components (sub-goals) has a personnel management system from the perspective of the employee?
1. 2; *************
2. 3;
3. 4;
4. 5;
5. 6.
Question 4. What are the components of personnel management to meet the social needs of the employee?
1. working conditions, labor motivation;
2. Promote the creation, maintenance of social infrastructure;
3. The climate in the team, legal protection;
4. The possibility of realizing personal goals, economic security;
5. all of the above. *************
Question 5: Which sub-management personnel, implementing social needs from the perspective of workers, the problem concerns "technical equipment of labor in accordance with the latest achievements of science and technology"?
1. The labor motivation;
2. stimulate creativity;
3. a healthy climate in the team;
4. normal working conditions; **************
5. strict mode.
Task 8
Question 1. How much is a human resource management system is the objectives in terms of administration?
1. 2;
2. 3;
3. 4;
4. 5;
5. 6. **************
Question 2. What are the components of the sub-goal is "the use of staff in accordance with the structure and objectives of the organization?"
1. The recruproductent, selection and adaptation of personnel;
2. Recruproductent, placement and training of personnel;
3. The selection, placement and development; *************
4. selection, submission and adaptation of personnel;
5. is not the correct answer.
Question 3. What are the components of a sub-goal "placement of staff"?
1. The market analysis, assessment of the situation in the country, the economic analysis;
2. The gathering of information, adaptation of workers;
3. The transfer and personnel training, the publication of new laws and regulations;
4. The current periodic evaluation of personnel, travel, the use of accounting personnel; *******
5. there is no right answer.
Question 4. What is the number of components sub-goal "staff development"?
1. 3; ********
2. 4;
3. 5;
4. 6;
5 7.
Question 5: Which sub personnel management task concerns the business assessment in the selection of cadres?
1. The placement of staff;
2. The development of personnel;
3. training;
4. The selection of personnel; ***********
5. The adaptation of personnel.
Task 9
Question 1. How many component includes sub-goal "to achieve a rational system of personnel motivation"?
1. 2;
2. 3; *************
3. 4;
4. 5;
5. 6.
Question 2. What is the relationship between the targets of the management personnel in terms of personnel and administration?
1. consistent; *********
2. The first objective is more important;
3. The second goal is more important;
4. contradictory;
5. there is no right answer.
Question 3. Which of the following sub-tasks are "to create normal working conditions"?
1. The protection of labor; ************
2. Support the career;
3. Payment;
4. The level of conflict;
5. The level of employment.
Question 4. Which subsystem applies the task of creating a creative atmosphere in the management of staff?
1. The support of the healthy climate;
2. The impact on the motivation of behavior; ***********
3. The creation of normal working conditions;
4. All of the above;
5. there is no right answer.
Question 5. What are the components of a subsystem "support healt
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