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Actual problems of labor law test of 100 questions.

Collection of tasks for the discipline "Actual problems of labor law."

Task 1.

1. On the question of which groups can be split ratio is the subject of labor law:

1. The preceding;

2. Related;

3. Successive;

4. Labour;

5 .; all of the above.

Question 2. What are the main methods of labor law, you know?

1. Public-legal (administrative);

2. Individual contract;

3. Civil-law ;.

4. The method of collective bargaining regulation;


Question 3. What are the terms of the employment contract are recognized as significant?

1. accidental conditions;

2. The terms of agreement between the parties;

3. The necessary and sufficient for the contract;

4. The usual conditions;

5. The conditions of the contract price and the timing of implementation;

Question 4. Which of the parties are subject to the labor law?

1. Employers;

2. The Court of Arbitration;

3. The labor arbitration;

4. Unemployed;

5. The trade union bodies;

Question 5. Which of these entities are parties to a collective agreement?

1. workers, the employer;

2. the employer;

3. The team of workers;

4. The administration headed by a director, managing director;

5. The employer and employee representatives;

Task 2.

Question 1. What, in accordance with the Labour Code recognizes forced labor:

1. Work done as a result of an enforceable court judgment under the above-zorom public authorities responsible for compliance with legislation in the EC-complements of sentences;

2. Violation of the terms of payment of wages or paid it is not a half-rated amount;

2. Work performed under extraordinary circumstances, that is, in cases of Ad-ment of emergency or a state of war, calamity or threatened calamity;

4. jobs that are required by law on military duty and military service or alternative civilian service;

5.rabota at night;

Question 2: How many sides have an employment contract?

1 .1 ;.

2 ..2;

3. without restrictions;

4. 4;

5. 3;

Question 3. The provisions of the Labour Code and other legal acts on labor-tended the races are not on these people?

1. The labor relations of foreign citizens;

2. to persons working under civil contracts characterized Mr. and military personnel;

3. to persons without citizenship;

4. individual entrepreneurs;

5. to persons under the age of 18 years;

Question 4.: What are the grounds of the employment relationship, you know?

1. The collective agreement;

2 .. The employment contract;

3. Contract;

4. The contract of carriage;

5. The contract contracting.

Question 5. What kinds of agreements in labor law you know ?:

1. branch, general, Brigadier;

2. The plants, starting;

3. The General, workshops;

4. brigade, contract;

5. world;

Task 3.

Question 1. Which group conditions constitute the content of the collective agreement:

1. Special

2. Normative

3. Obligation

4. Organizational

5. Optional

Question 2. What are the grounds of the employment relationship, you know:

1. An employment contract.

2. Collective Agreement.

3. Contract.

4. The marketing contracts.

5. The contract of carriage

Question 3: Who is the obligated subject in the collective agreement:

1. The representatives of the parties and the participants themselves

2. Administration.

3. Workers' representatives.

4. Customers

5. The representatives of the customer and the union

Question 4. How long after the date of presentation of necessary documents their employment authority shall decide on the recognition of a citizen of the unemployed:

1. Not later than five working days.

2. Not later than seven working days.

3. Not later than eleven days.

4. Not later than thirteen working days.

5. within fourteen days.

Question 5: Which of these people is a hobby:

1. Student
Question 1. persons of age, with the consent of one parent (guardian, custodian and guardianship body, to participate in the creation and (or) execution of works without compromising the health and moral development may be an employment contract:

1. persons who have reached the age of sixteen.

2. persons who have reached the age of fifteen years.

3. persons who have reached the age of seventeen.

4. persons under the age of fourteen.

5. persons under the age of 10 years

Question 2. How many of these people can be recognized as the unemployed:

1. Pensioners.

2. Dismissed guilty on the grounds and for the first time job seekers

3. abandon the two options suitable work

4. For the first time job seekers.

5. disabled

Question 3. What are the terms of the employment contract are set by the Labor Code:

1. At a specified period not exceeding one year.

2. On a fixed term not exceeding three years.

3. On a fixed term not exceeding five years.

4. indefinitely.

5. listed in Section 3. and 4.

Question 4: What is the deadline from the date of the actual admission of the employee to the employer is obliged to issue him an employment contract in writing:

1. On the first day of work.

2. Not later than three days.

3. Not later than five days.

4. Not later than seven days ...

5: Not later than two days

Question 5 .: What information about the employee entered in the work book:

1. Data on part-time work.

2. Information on incentives.

3. Information about the dismissal and promotions

4. All of the above

5. The only reasons for dismissal

Task 5.

Question 1: What is the deadline from the date of signing the employment contract, the order (order) Rabo employers about hiring the employee is declared a receipt:

1. On the day of the actual assumptions.

2. Within three days.

3. Within five days.

4. In the course of the week.

5. Within four days

Question 2: Who Should not set a trial period in employment:

1. Persons invited to work in order to transfer from another employer's consent, vaniyu between employers.

2. Persons sent to the employer employment agencies for employment.

3. Persons entering the job after a long illness.

4. Persons coming to work on a common basis.

5. emerged from vacation.

Question 3 ... In some cases, the employer must obtain the written consent of the employee:

Question 4. In what cases can be fixed-term employment contract:

Question 5. In what period of time from the date of application shall be issued to the employee a copy of the documents associated with con-job (copy of the order on employment, orders for transfer to another Rabo that, the order of dismissal from work, extracts from the work book, certificate of salary board, the period of work for the employer and more):

Task 6.

Question 1. In the case of dismissal of an employee, in what period the employer is obliged to issue labor-book-hand:

Question 2. What documents are presented at the conclusion of an employee employment contract for Mr.:

Question 3. As a general rule for the employee probation period may not exceed:

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