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Test items for the discipline "Databases" 26 questions.

Test №1

Question 1: Filesystem - this ...

1. - a set of files that store compilation of information necessary for the operation of the business;

2 - set of programs for processing data;

3 - a set of programs designed to solve a particular problem, and each system has its own set of data;

4 - sets of files of each department of the enterprise.

Question 2. The redundancy of data means that the ...

1. - Keep extra, not used in the processing of data;

2 - The data storage structure is not optimal, whereby data taking up too much memory on the disk;

3 - data is stored in multiple copies;

4 - Keep a copy of the data.

Question 3. File systems have the following disadvantages:

1 - data redundancy (25%);

2 - The dependence of these programs (25%);

3 - The incompatibility of files (25%);

4. - not user friendly applications;

5 - The rapid growth of applications (25%);

6. - time-consuming data processing.

Question 4. Dependence of programs from the data is that ...

1. - to enter, update and delete data had to create a separate application;

2 - if the volume of actual data increased the number of applications;

3 - The program contained a description of the data, therefore, when changing data structures had to change the program;

4. - when the program is changed to modify the data.

Item 5. Data redundancy can lead to ...

1 - The external memory is not enough for storing data;

2 - is complicated data processing;

3 - may be compromised data consistency;

4. - the data processing will spend a lot of time.

Question 6. Part of the real world of interest to this study - it´s ...

1. - subject area;

2 - tuple;

3. - domain;

4. - essence.

Question 7: The database is optional features such as ...

1. - common data (25%);

2 - description of the data storage (25%);

3 - The presence of structured data;

4 - The integrated storage (25%);

5. - integrity (25%).

Question 8. In these systems, information is gathered from primary documents and stored in the form of indicators that are grouped in a certain sign

1 - file systems;

2. - documentary system;

3. - factual system;

4. - lexicographical system.

Question 9. The database record which reflects a particular document, it contains a bibliographic description, and possibly other information about him.

1. - Documentographic database;

2 - The object-oriented database;

3. - factual database;

4. - hypertext database.

Question 10. ...... database - a database in which data is presented in the form of object models, including applications that are controlled by external events.

1. - Documentographic;

2 - The object-oriented;

3. - factual;

4. - hypertext.

Question 11. The components of the data bank are ...

1. - users (25%);

2 - the hardware (25%);

3. - The software (25%);

4. - the database (25%);

5. - domain model;

6. - integrity constraints.

Question 12. Members of a data bank can be divided into the following groups:

1 - The decision-makers;

2. - junior staff;

3 - The application programmers (25%);

4 - the end-users (25%);

5. - The data manager (25%);

6. - The administrator of a data bank (25%).

Question 13. DBMS is ...

1. - a set of language and software;

2. - software;

3. - centrally stored data;

4. - a set of software and data under their control;

5. - technical means.

Question 14. The main function of the DBMS is ...

1. - providing users with a convenient means of access to data;

2. - providing the user with tools for manipulating data in abstract terms, not
Question 15. Each database should provide ...

1 - compression;

2. - secrecy data (25%);

3. - The integrity of the data (25%);

4 - The report generation;

5. - data recovery from hardware and software failures (25%);

6. - check for viruses;

7 - concurrent access to data (25%).

Question 16. The structure of each database includes ...

1. - a programming language for creating applications;

2 - The data description language (DDL) (50%);

3. - utilities for backup and recovery of data;

4. - data manipulation language (DML) (50%).

Question 17. Language of data manipulation statements that operate on integer data sets, called ...

1 - procedural;

2 - The non-procedural;

3 - The high-level;

4 - navigation.

Q18 database, providing remote access to data for multiple users, called ...

1. - general;

2. - Integrated;

3. - Remote;

4. - network.

Question 19. The work with any storage devices provides a first


1 - magnetic disks;

2. - tapes;

3. - punch cards;

4. - punched tape.

Question 20. What is the data model supported by the first database?

1 - network;

2. - hierarchical;

3. - relational;

4 - Object.

Question 21. The first generation DBMSs are ...

1 - relational;

2. - hierarchical (50%);

3. - relational;

4 - Grid (50%).

Question 22. The second generation DBMSs are ...

1 - relational;

2. - hierarchical;

3. - relational;

4. - network.

Question 23. What is the function of the database provides access to a database for multiple users simultaneously

1 - compression;

2. - data privacy;

3 - The integrity of the data;

4. - data recovery from hardware and software failures;

5. - check for viruses;

6. - data synchronization.

Question 24. According to the type of supported data models distinguish database

1 - relational (20%);

2. - specialized;

3. - universal;

4. - networking (20%);

5. - hierarchical (20%);

6. - database, operating in a "client-server";

7. - object-oriented (20%);

8. - object-relational (20%).

Question 25. The nature of storage, and how to access them distinguish database

1 - relational;

2. - specialized;

3. - universal;

4 - local (50%);

5. - network;

6. - hierarchical;

7. - databases, operating in a "client-server" (50%);

8. - object-oriented;

9. - object-relational.

Question 26. By appointment distinguish database

1 - relational;

2. - specialized (50%);

3. - Universal (50%);

4 - local;

5. - network;

6. - hierarchical;

7. - object-oriented.

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