Work done on the training manual for external students Frolova
Descriptive Geometry Engineering Graphics
guidance and control tasks
1990 edition.
KR 5 Theme 7. Options 10, 18
Image and marking threads, threaded connections, image and designation of fasteners: screw, bolt, nut, washer, pin.
M18 Bolt length 80 version 2 GOST 7796-70
Nut type 2 GOST 15521-70
Washer GOST 6402-70
Pin M18 length 55 GOST 22036-76
Nut GOST 5916-70
Washer GOST 6402-70
Work done on the instructions of the manuals. File Format TIFF black and white, resolution 200dpi - can be opened in Windows XP and printed without special programs.
Bolting - Version 2, 10, 18
Hairpin connection - options 8, 10, 18
Additionally - in the upper part of the drawings are my contact details that should be erased before printing, if you are going to take this figure "as is". For this operation, you can use any bproductap editor of Windows or Office.
Guarantee for direct customers correctly complete the task - 3 weeks after purchase (if there are any errors - I promise to fix).
The term fixes - 1 week. The guarantee does not apply to the notation of the projections, the system is different for different publications.
Due to my lack of possible from July to October, to the warranty period and fixes added to the period (in case of partial overlap).