! You are not buying the account itself, but the opportunity to play the game during the paid time.
Before you make a purchase, ask the seller if the account is available.
If you have already made a purchase, the seller puts you next in the order of the queue.
In this case, there is no refund.
Injustice 2 - Standard Edition (xbox one) game account (rental)
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In the upper right corner, select the number of days.
After payment, contact me by clicking the "correspondence with the seller" button and inform the received code.
I will provide data from the profile with the game and instructions for downloading. After downloading the game you will be able to play on your profile.
After the paid period, the profile is deactivated, you can only start the game by extending the lease.
You get an additional + 6 hours to download the game to the paid rental period.
You can see all our offers here:
The game is officially bought on the xbox.com website on payment cards.
There are no risks of account or console locking. Everything is legal and safe.
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