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Release date: January 9, 2014
Age rating: 16
Developer: PlatinumGames
Publisher: Konami
Localization: English
Activation System: Steam
Region: Russia
Developed by Kojima Productions and PlatinumGames, METAL GEAR RISING: REVENGEANCE takes the renowned METAL GEAR franchise experience. A raid - a child soldier transformed into a half-human, half-human ninja ja A A A A! Xbox 360® and PlayStation® 3, METAL GEAR RISING: REVENGEANCE comes with a box for all your friends and friends, Blade Wolf, Jetstream, and VR Missions, in addition to all customized body upgrades for Raiden, including: White Armor, Inferno Armor, Commando Armor, Cyborg Ninja, and the ever-popular Cyborg Ninja. "CUTSCENES" option added to the Main Menu. Play any and all cutscenes. "CODECS" option added to the Main Menu. This is a playlist that has been added to the playlist. "GRAPHIC OPTIONS" added to the OPTIONS Menu. Modify resolution, anti-aliasing, etc. If you can make.