You will learn how to customize advertising campaigns from scratch and use all the capabilities of Advords.
— This video course is a recording of an advertising campaign for the Zetsvilnik website.
There is no doubt that the world´s largest search engine has the most advanced advertising system. No matter what your business is, Adwords will find you customers. The main thing is to set it up correctly. How to do this, learn in the video course, in a simple and understandable language.
From the video course you will learn:
1. Set up campaigns on the search;
2. Set up campaigns in the CCM;
3. Customize Video Advertising on YouTube;
4. Customize remarketing (catch-up ads);
5. Set up separate campaigns for mobile devices;
6. Tune goals in Google Analytics!
Course size: 674 MB
The market price of the course is more than 5 times higher.
Course language: Russian.
GNU GPL License
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— Make an order, I will send you a link to the training material. In the course you will find everything you need.
Video Course. How to set up ads Google Adwords contains: (65 video lessons + goal code). Only 66 files!