Content: Анализ финансовой отчетности предприятия судостроит.rar (4.77 MB)
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Characteristics of the economic activity of the enterprise 4
1.1 Role and significance of financial statements for analysis of the financial condition of the enterprise 4
1.2 Review of significant accounting policies on which the financial statements are based 5
1.3 Conclusions 7
2. general overview of the property and financial situation of the enterprise, as well as changes in the results of its activity for the considered 7
2.1 Analysis of functional alignment of assets and liabilities with each other, analysis of qualitative shifts in the balance sheet and the statement of financial performance 9
2.2 Evaluation of the enterprise in terms of the "golden rule of economics" 30
2.3 Assessment of the balance sheet of the enterprise in terms of compliance with "good balance" indicators 32
2.4 Conclusions 35
3. Analysis of the financial condition of the enterprise 36
3.1 Overall assessment of the financial condition of the enterprise 36
3.2 Analysis of absolute financial stability indicators 37
3.3 Analysis of relative indicators of financial stability 40
3.4 Conclusions 42
4. balance sheet liquidity analysis 42
4.1 Analysis of balance sheet liquidity in absolute terms 43
4.2 Analysis of balance sheet liquidity in relative terms 47
4.3 Conclusions 49
5.Assessment and analysis of financial and economic performance using financial indicators (ratios) 50
6.Overall findings and proposals 55

The key factor of successful company management is making the right management decisions, which in turn depends on the competence of the manager in the field of analysis of the company´s activity. Only having reliable information and possessing the necessary analytical tools can one make an informed decision.
The purpose of the course work is to apply in practice theoretical knowledge in the analysis of the financial condition of the enterprise on the basis of financial statements data.
The object of research in this work is PJSC Vyborg Shipyard.
The subject of the research is the reasons for changes in economic performance of the enterprise as well as their deviations from the target indicators.
PJSC Vyborg Shipyard´s financial statements for 2016, 2017 and 2018 are the information base for performing exchange rate work. The financial statements include a balance sheet and a financial performance report.
The methodological support includes:
A course of lectures in the discipline "Accounting and analysis of economic activity of the enterprise";
Methodological support includes: a course of lectures in the discipline "Accounting and analysis of economic activity of the enterprise"; a methodological manual on the performance of coursework;
other sources of information.
6.6. General conclusions and proposals
Financial reporting is one of the most important sources of information for making managerial decisions, because it is on its basis the analysis of the financial condition of the company, which allows to identify trends in changes in economic performance and their causes, as well as give a forecast for future periods.
As part of this work, analysis of the financial condition of PJSC Vyborg Shipyard was performed.
As a result of the analysis, the following conclusions were drawn:
1) The property and financial condition of the enterprise is unsatisfactory on the whole. Many items of financial statements have negative dynamics of change. The balance does not correspond to the signs of "good balance". The enterprise´s activity is carried out at the expense of borrowed funds.
2) The enterprise is in pre-crisis condition, its financial situation is extremely unstable and tends to deteriorate.
3) The enterprise is illiquid. It does not have the means to quickly repay its liabilities.
4) Wavelike changes in many indicators can be caused by the specifics of the enterprise: orders are executed over a long period of time and are distributed unevenly. In this regard, the dynamics of indicators do not have a clear trend, and varies from year to year. Therefore, it is difficult to make a forecast about the state of the enterprise in future periods.
5) Without its own sources of financing, the enterprise is still functioning. This is most likely due to the availability of state support and receipt of state orders.
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