Content: Бизнес-план предприятия по предоставлению услуг 3D печати.rar (3.91 MB)
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Introduction 3
Chapter 1: Description of enterprise and industry 5
Chapter 2. Description of services 9
Chapter 3. Marketing and sales of services 11
Chapter 4. Production Plan 17
Chapter 5. Organizational Plan 20
Chapter 6. Financial Plan 27
Chapter 7. Project direction and effectiveness 32
Chapter 8: Risks and Warranties 40
Conclusion 44
List of used literature 46
Annexes 48
By his professional activity the author of this work is closely connected with mechanical engineering. In the engineering or foundry industry, however, very often a great deal of resources are used. Time and materials are used for both manual and mechanical parts production. Especially if the shape of the product has complex surfaces.
In recent years, innovative technologies have been increasingly used in production. One of these solutions is additive manufacturing, which can significantly reduce the above costs by up to 80%.
Meaning additive technologies, most often speak "3D the press" and "3D the printer". Construction of a detail at use of 3D printers occurs by means of layer-by-layer drawing (additions, engl. - "add") a material. At a traditional method - at the expense of material removal (for example, on the machine tool).
3D printers can work with different materials: plastic, paper, sand, metal, chocolate, textiles, etc.. The principles of their work are very numerous. From the press by means of the melted plastic piercing and up to laser stereolithography (a photopolymeric material hardens under the influence of the laser).
The purpose of the given work is working out of the business plan of the enterprise on service of 3D-printers and rendering of services in the 3D press for the purpose of the further project realisation in the Ivanovo area.
For realization of the conceived purpose it is necessary to solve the following number of problems:
- to carry out the competitive analysis in branch 3D the press;
- to carry out the marketing analysis of the market of 3D printers and 3D printing services in the Ivanovo region;
- on the basis of the conducted analysis to develop strategy of development of the company;
- to reveal potential clients and to carry out their analysis;
- to carry out the financial analysis of necessary investments and to reveal possible sources of financing;
- to make a production plan for the created enterprise;
- to reveal key risks of the project, to offer the list of measures on their minimization;
- determine the legal and organizational form of ownership of the enterprise to be created;
- develop a financial plan for the receipt of funds.
Subject of study: 3D printing services market.
Subject of study: newly created enterprise (LLC or IE).

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