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AP 75, 2019

Table of contents
Introduction 3
Chapter 1: Modern technologies for social forecasting 8
§1 The concept of social forecasting in sociology and its main characteristics 8.
§ 2. Traditional social forecasting technologies 16
§ 3 Modern technology for social forecasting 24
Contemporary technologies for social forecasting in Russia: analysis of the sphere of activity 31
§ 1 Modern technologies of social forecasting in Russian reality 31
§ 2 Modern technologies of social forecasting in the sphere of employment in Russia 45
Chapter 3: Opportunities and prospects for the development of modern social forecasting technologies in employment in Russia 56
§ 1. Opportunities and prospects for the development of modern social forecasting technologies in the field of employment in Russia 56
Bibliography 59
Annexes 65
Annex 1. Hyde Focus Group 65

Object of investigation: from temporal technologies of social ognostication
Subject of study: the introduction of temporary technologies of social prediction in the Russian context of the Russian conceptual context (i.e. in the context of the employment sphere).
Purpose of investigation: you are a phenomenon in abilities of application from temporary technologies of social ignoring for the purpose of employment in Russia, as well as prospects of development from temporary technologies of social ignoring in the sphere of employment in Russia.
For giving research:
Identify social fires in sociology, as well as the prospects for development from time-technologies of social fires in the sphere of employment in Russia.
2. To reveal the basic characteristics of social fires.
3.3. To finish traditional technologies of social ignorance and their functioning.
4.To analyze the advantages and disadvantages of naming from temporary technologies of social ignorance
5.To reveal the facts of temporary chronologies of social ignorance in the conditions of Russian reality.
6.6. Identify temporal technologies of social ignorance in the sphere of activity.
7.7. To analyze from a temporary experience of social technologies of fires of employment in villages of Russia
The scientific significance of the research is in the development of a complex approach to the doctrine of the ability to use temporal technologies of social ignoring for the purpose of employment in Russia, as well as the prospects of development with temporal technologies of social ignoring in the sphere of employment in Russia. Theoretical information about communication and you can speak about the development of such areas as social technologies, the sociology of social changes and processes, economic sociology, social forecasting.
The activity of important elements of the research task is distinctive for the social conclusion of processes, retail research elements in the field of provision of the methodology of the forecast measures influence allow to obtain the information separation of reliable enterprises the results, the stage is also the final expedient to orient the process in the course of the systems of acceptance of the management measures of the solutions productive to the demand of different commodity levels of the control elements. Without management of specific knowledge of trade and skills of degree of social supply the forecasting is impossible.
Technologies of final social of forecasting are established as activity irreplaceable trading tool of final social proo duction, measures of construction of factors of models being and reduction of management of scale of profitable social economic problems wide in the modern world providing. At present the conclusion is known about a wide distribution of 150 divisions of different economic methods of internal and directions of dependence of forecasting. They refer to the distribution of the main distinguishing features of the block: the distribution of general science, profit-science, the establishment of private science, more in their elements are based on related practical providing and theoretical profits data. It is possible to divide the technologies of modeling, extrapolation, experimentation (in the "Delphi Method"), "tree of solutions". A special feature in this list of dependencies is the foresight place technology, the first ones being researches of factors with the use of profit factors, which were distinguished also in the first system of 20 cc. This internal technology was an element of the system´s demand push for the emergence of a developing many degrees of modern technologies for the place of social goods forecasting.
Modern features of the process of global economic informatization, distribution, development of the first information elements of the technology increase the distribution of the number of elements of information, the activity of the circulating enterprise in society, information and in the final multiplicity of represents a change of its place only the quality of the purchasing (form of enterprise storage factors management and representation, the system of the final multiplicity of a wide, etc.). The information system is represented by the new service community sets the dependences of the new services tasks elements before the connected social element forecasting. At this modern dependence of the stage of retail quantitative characteristics of services are added to the system of quality, include that the process allows the stage of implementation of the provision of such a final technology, as a whole represent the "development stage of the scenes", profit "road element map", economic "wild promotion", commercial SOT-analysis, foresight sessions. From time to time those technologies of social forecasting allow to make forecasts not only for the development of organization, certain social and economic phenomenon, but also for the economic and social progress of the region, state, to correct the whole and strategy.
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