Content: Тест Основы консультативной психологии ответы Синергия.pdf (214.71 KB)
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Basics of Counseling Psychology Answers (Synergy Test) 30 QUESTIONS. Result 97-100 points Excellent

In consulting closed question forms ...
designed to draw the client´s to certain aspects of the conversation
suggest a free, detailed answer, inviting the client to a conversation
are used to get specific information about a client

... the type of neurotic conflict is due to contradictory own internal tendencies and needs, the struggle between desire and duty, between moral principles and personal attachments.

The proposed ... circular (circular) model of discussing the client´s problems allows a person to remain in the context of the experience, constantly returning him to the content of fantasies or dream images, awakening various analogies and associations.
K. Rogers
A. Adler
S. Freud
K.G. Jung

The totality of the consultant´s conclusions, containing a characteristic of the client´s psychological problems, an indication of their possible causes and a description of the proposed directions for their solution, is ...
problem identification
psychological conclusion
advisory recommendations

A specific form of constructive communication in the psychological space "consultant - client", organized for effective work with clients, is a consultative ...

The main means of influence of the consultant on the client is ...
conversation (dialogue)

Verbalization of emotional states as a way to release the client´s feelings and emotions has been proposed in the works ...
K. Rogers
J. Jennet
R. Bandler
J. Grinder

... it is very important to get the client to formulate several “I-statements”, which would reflect his own views on the problem and its experience.
When using the confrontation technique
When using the "reflective mirror" technique
Focus Consulting

... counseling is the provision of psychological assistance to individuals of different ethnic and cultural groups in cases where there are significant differences between the counselor and the clients.

Neurotic conflicts by their genesis, i.e. in accordance with the internal mechanisms of their development, grouped ...
V.N. Myasishchev
A.V. Snezhnevsky
I.V. Davydovsky
A. Adler

A. Adler considered the center of personality ...
language (speech)
perception, feelings

Neurasthenic type of psychological conflict ...
represents a contradiction between the capabilities of the individual and her aspirations, overestimated requirements for herself
characterized by increased demands on others and the lack of a critical attitude towards oneself
characterized by the presentation of conflicting requirements for the individual, which contributes to the formation of a sense of one´s own
inferiority, conflicting life relationships and leads to separation from life

Identification of the essence of the problem is expressed in ... - assumptions about the nature and causes of the client´s difficulties, behind the peculiarities of his behavior and emotional reactions.
description of problem situations
formulating advisory
proposing advisory hypotheses

Narrative therapy is used ...
only in group forms of work
only for individual work with a client
both individually and in group forms of work

The introduction to psychology of the term "existential communication" belongs to ...
Z. Freud
A. Adler
K. Jaspers
J. Jennetou

The form of activity of a professional psychologist, consisting in direct interaction with people in order to assist them in making decisions regarding the circumstances and conditions of their personal and social life, is ...
psychological counseling
counseling psychology
The branch of psychological knowledge associated with the generalization, research and development of practical methods of counseling in conjunction with its explanatory principles, models and theories is ...
counseling psychology
psychological counseling

Russian psychologist B.B. The Stolins identified three main types of client orientation: business, rental, ...

The principles of a client-centered approach in counseling have been put forward ...
A. Adler
K. Rogers
K.G. Jung
S. Freud

In counseling ... empathy is based on cognitive mechanisms.

A procedure that allows a psychologist to present a set of meanings and meanings that is significant for a client in a certain aspect, under the angle of view necessary to resolve the situation, is ...
free association

A generic term for the various characteristics of the client´s behavior and personality that impede counseling and therapy - ...

A certain unfavorable behavioral complex, a set of psychological difficulties that cause a person suffering, from which he would like to get rid of, resorting to the help of a specialist - a client.


The state of emotional, cognitive, and often physical exhaustion caused by prolonged occupational stress is called ...
burnout syndrome
deficit disorder
chronic fatigue syndrome

A specific form of constructive communication in the psychological space "consultant - client", organized for effective work with the client´s problems, is ...
advisory alliance
consultative session
advisory analysis

It is not true that one of the main forms of confrontation in counseling is confrontation with the aim of ...
help the client see the situation as it really is
draw the client´s to the promising sides of the problem
draw the client´s to contradictions in his behavior, thoughts, feelings, assessments, etc.
to draw the client´s to his evasion from discussing certain problems

The main method of logotherapy is .... allowing the consultant to push the patient to discover an adequate meaning for himself, in which the personality of the consultant plays an important role.
eclectic approach
Socratic dialogue
free association

3. Freud proposed a method .... helping patients to freely pour out the flow of their thoughts in order to trace the tendencies hidden from the patients themselves, and to find personal meaning in associations.
free association
verbalization of emotional states
"Reflective mirror"

A complex of various personal texts functioning in a situation of special professional interaction between a psychologist and a client, organized "here-and-now" to solve a client´s problem, is a consultative ...
(psychotherapeutic) discourse

Tuning into the main registers of the client´s presentation of internal experience is a technique in neurolinguistic programming technique proposed by ...
R. Bandler and J. Grinder
E. Laclos and C. Mouffe
G.P. Shchedrovitsky and S.G. Jacobson
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