Content: Информационные_технологии_в_профессиональной_деятельности Ответы.pdf (129.92 KB)
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Answers to the test Synergy Information technologies in professional activity. Result 80/100 points Good
After the purchase, you will receive answers to the following questions:

1. The choice of EIS is influenced by ...
modularity and flexibility
the willingness of the user to work with this system
functional completeness
reputation of the firm, reputation of the system, length of stay of the firm in the market, number of sales

2. OLAP systems are systems focused on ...
operational (transactional) data processing
material resource planning functionality
data analysis and decision making

3. Economic tasks solved in a dialogue mode are characterized by ...
a large amount of input and output data, a significant part of which is stored on magnetic media
active influence of the user on the course and procedure for performing technological operations of data processing
reduction of user intervention in the process of solving the problem
fast processing of received messages by the system and immediate transfer of processed messages to the user
solving problems with a given frequency

4. The main advantage of MRP systems is ...
formation of a sequence of production operations with materials and components, ensuring the timely manufacture of units (semi-finished products) for the implementation of the main production plan for the production of finished products
determination of the minimum allowable level of stocks of goods or raw materials in the warehouse
the ability to avoid overloading and underloading production equipment and ensuring efficient use of production capacity

5. The main purpose of ERP systems is the automation ...
processes for analyzing the activities of the enterprise
planning, accounting and management processes in the main areas of the enterprise
management accounting at the enterprise

6. A teleconference can be organized by sending messages in modes ...
individual and group
general and individual
group and general

7. An example of enabling information technology is ...
Access 2003 for Windows
formation of a loan agreement
graphic arts

8. Hypertext technology is understood ...
a system of information objects (articles) interconnected by directed links forming a network
a linear system of records linking parts of a document, bibliographic records, classification divisions or subject
interactive technology that provides work with still images, video images, animation, text and sound

9. The technical support subsystem includes ...
mainframe-computer supporting information support for decision making
functional and supporting IT
computers that ensure the operation of the EIS

10. If there is a single database on the server and all operations with the database are provided by this server, then this ...
centralized data organization
decentralized data organization
mixed way of organizing data

11. According to the scope of application, EIS can be classified into ...
banking and insurance
analytical and banking
insurance and analytical

12. Subject technology and information technology ...
do not affect each other
influence each other
not related to each other

13. Executive information systems (Executive Information System - EIS) are designed to ...
strategic decision making
material resource planning
providing management with information about the current situation in the company and the market

14. The system interface is called the rules of interaction
different systems of the same level
neighboring levels in one system
different levels of different systems

15. An example of information technology is...
technology for automated accounting of financial and settlement transactions
WORD 6.0 editor
marketing survey technology
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