I present to your a Battle.net account with a prepaid game Call of Duty VANGUARD.
After the purchase:
✅You will receive a login and password from your battle net account
✅The rental period is 24 hours, excluding loading
✅After logging in, you will receive a message with a confirmation code
Check in advance the minimum system requirements for the game.
Download the game in advance to save playing time..
Remember that the account is rented for 24 hours.
Playing time in Call of Duty VANGUARD campaign mode is completed in an average of 5-6 hours on medium difficulty, so you still have time to play online 😉.
🔴It is forbidden to change any data in the account.
🔴It is forbidden to violate the general rules of battle.net.
To extend the game time, you should leave a positive review and your account will automatically be extended for another 12 hours.
18.02.2025 13:44:22
Спасибо продавцу, на интересующие вопросы отвечает быстро, с игрой тоже не каких проблем.
18.01.2025 12:54:27
Благодарю продавца за быстрый ответ, уже устанавливаю!
13.01.2025 23:04:43
28.12.2024 22:44:40
Все быстро и качественно, продавец очень вежливый!
25.12.2024 8:33:25
Все круто, продавец отвечает моментально. Буду покупать еще