Content: 84_Kontrol_i_nadzor_tsentralnogo_banka_Rossii.rar (91.19 KB)
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Table of contents

Introduction 3
Chapter 1. Theoretical aspects of prudential banking supervision 5
1.1 The need for banking supervision 5
1.2 Features of Prudential Banking Supervision 8
1.3. Regulatory regulation of prudential banking supervision 11
Chapter 2. Methodological aspects of prudential banking supervision 15
2.1. Instruments for Prudential Banking Supervision 15
2.2. Statistics, problems and prospects for the use of prudential supervision in the Russian Federation 18
Conclusion 23
References 23
Apps 27
2.1. Instruments for Prudential Banking Supervision 15
2.2. Statistics, problems and prospects for the use of prudential supervision in the Russian Federation 18
Conclusion 23
References 23
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