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Ready answers to the Intercultural Interaction test.
Educational institution: SYNERGY, MY, MIT.
: fresh.
The result of passing is 80-100 points.
Below you can find questions on the Intercultural Interaction test.

The goal of gender education is...

support women to pursue education and successful careers just like men

by reducing gender stereotypes, help children achieve true civil equality, in which men and women coexist in a spirit of cooperation and respect

in renouncing various kinds of social dependencies, including the dependence of women on men

According to E. Hall’s classification of spatial zones, the proximity phase of the zone of social relations is ...

75–120 cm

2.1–3.6 m

3.6–7.6 m

1.2–2.1 m

Establishing a biased or hostile attitude towards representatives of another ethnic group, their culture is...


ethnic stereotype


The largest amount of theoretical and methodological knowledge and practical experience in the field of intercultural communication research, in particular, was borrowed from ...

cultural studies



Non-emotional conflict resolution strategy...

involves the externalization of emotions that arise during conflict situations and an emphasis on emotional discomfort associated with the object of the conflict

prefers direct negotiations

pays more not to what opponents say, but to how they behave

is based on the control of emotions and the inadmissibility of their manifestation in a conflict

In modern science ... are considered as stable, regularly reproduced in a social group ideas about any classes of objects, attributing to these objects a certain set of properties and due to this controlling the perception of objects included in the corresponding class


A conflict resolution strategy such as ... is characterized by the use of indirect verbal signs (hyperbole, some stories, metaphors) with a strong manifestation of emotions that serve as a real expression of concerns

dynamic style adaptation engagement discussion

According to one of the definitions, ... is a set of norms that determine human behavior and communication, and are reproduced by people in the course of social practices and acquired in the process of socialization


One of the founders of ethnography and anthropology... understood culture as

“a complex whole which includes knowledge, beliefs, arts, morals, laws, customs and any other abilities and habits acquired by man as a member of society” Edward T. Hall

Ray Birdwhistell Richard D. Lewis George Trager

Edward B. Tylor

The contact-making (or phatic) function of the tongue was revealed...

Ray Birdwhistell George Leonard Trager Melville Gene Herskowitz

Roman Yakobson

In the case of communication through a translator, when direct communication between the communicants is difficult or simply impossible, the translator recodes ... communication channels

information transmitted linguistically and partially transmitted via paralinguistic

all information transmitted via linguistic and paralinguistic

information transmitted through linguistic, paralinguistic and non-verbal

... is the installation of a biased and hostile attitude towards something without sufficient grounds or knowledge for such an attitude


Speaking of prejudices, it can be noted that...

their essence is in attributing exclusively negative qualities to an object

they, unlike stereotypes, are not passed on from generation to generation, but arise spontaneously in the process of communication

they can be both positive and negative

they are often highly emotional

... for the first time tried to define a stereotype, according to which, “stereotypes are preconceived opinions that decisively control all processes of perception” P. Ekman

W. Lippmann W. Fr
Two inextricably linked components – linguistic and paralinguistic channels – distinguish ... communications

in the verbal channel

in the non-verbal channel

in both verbal and non-verbal channels

... is a scientific discipline that studies nonverbal communication associated with touching partners to each other


Interdisciplinary science is engaged in the study of the nature of conflicts and the construction of strategies for their resolution – …


According to Richard Lewis´s classification of cultures, Japanese, Chinese and Korean cultures belong to ... cultures

monoactive polyactive reactive

The loss of the primary cultural identity and the lack of identification with the new culture is …

marginalization assimilation integration enculturation separation

Traditionally, there are ... periods in the development of the conflict

internal and external

latent, open, final personal, direct and final

... is the attribution of certain causes of behavior to an object

Causal attribution Attribution of traits and qualities Situational attribution

In his typology of organizational cultures, Geert Hofstede proposed 6 parameters for each culture (country): ...; individualism – collectivism; masculinity – femininity; acceptance – non-acceptance of uncertainty; pragmatism; restraint; distancing from power

proximity to power rebellion


The term "kinesics" in Greek means "..."

movement direction touch voice

The elementary unit of body movement (according to R. Birdwhistell) is …

A movie

To divide cultures, depending on the nature of their use of space and time, into high-context and low-context, cultures with a predominant monochrome or polychrome use of time, proposed …

Gert Hofstede Edward Hall Richard Lewis

The study of stereotypes in Western science began in …

1920s, 1940s, 1960s, 1980s.

Establish the correspondence between the theory and its author:

Theory of communicative adaptation

Theory of identity management

The theory of "face"

Howard Giles

William Kupach, Tadasu Todd Imauri

Stell Ting-Toomey

A-D , B-E, C –F

... is the exchange of information carried out by native speakers of different cultures, and the fact that communicants are native speakers of different cultures significantly affects their communication and to some extent determines its course

intercultural communication

Speaking about ethnocultural stereotypes, it can be argued that they …

they are formed under the influence of external sources

they are real, i.e. they exist objectively

they have a one-sided character, i.e. only one of the communicants is exposed to the influence of stereotypical ideas

The main features of the formation of the theory of intercultural communication include the fact that it …

It was created in a very short time and was created by a very large group of scientists

it was created mainly exclusively by anthropologists and had a specific purpose

initially, it did not have a specific purpose

Speaking about the verbal communication channel, it can be argued that ... when communicating, we transmit 80% of information using verbal means verbal communication is secondary to non-verbal verbal communication arose much earlier than non-verbal

verbal communication is always conscious

Such an acculturation result for an individual as alienation correlates with such an acculturation strategy as …

separation assimilation integration


The history of the theory of intercultural communication itself began in …

The United States of America Japan

Spain Great Britain

As part of a conflict resolution strategy such as ..., the loser must admit defeat and concede, since further development of the conflict may cause him more damage than admitting defeat, while trying to negotiate some concessions

competition cooperation avo
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