Content: Ответы - Геоинформационные системы в бизнесе - СИНЕРГИЯ.docx (28.86 KB)
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Ready answers to the test Geographic information systems in business.
Educational institution: SYNERGY, MY, MIT.
: fresh.
The result is 95-100 points (55 questions and answers).
Below you can find questions on the Geographic Information Systems in Business test.

1. Software...

includes a set of technical means and technological processes (i.e. collection devices,

accumulation, processing, transmission, transformation and output of information)

is a set of algorithms, programming methods and programs that allow

implement the design objectives of the information system, as well as reliable operation

complex of technical means

establishes the procedure for using technical equipment during operation

information system

is a set of methods for classifying and encoding information

(unified documentation systems, database construction methodology)

2. Conceptual design in database development is used to...

supporting the decision-making process, as well as creating help and office systems

creating complex and simple databases with different numbers of attributes

clarification of the data storage structure on a specific medium, taking into account access methods

information on logical drives

building a global data model that reflects the specific features

of the designed system

3. Information output block...

provides information in various ways for further viewing

and study

requires the use of specialized devices (monitor, plotter, etc.)

analyzes the received data, evaluates it, transforms it and combines it with others

types of data

solves problems of information transformation

4. Visibility analysis as a tool of modern geographic information systems...

analyzes objects relative to each other, for example, determining the number of houses,

located within a radius of several meters from the specified institution

conducts an analysis between the objects under study, taking into account the terrain and surrounding


provides integration of data located in various thematic layers

makes it possible to calculate the population in a specific area

5. Production activity as one of the components of municipal

geographic information system...

is associated with the release of the entire range of products and is aimed at creating and implementing

production of achievements of science and technology

provides regulation of local processes of purchase and sale of real estate,

creating prerequisites for managing the processes of territory development

carries out control and analysis of monetary resources, including collection of taxes based on

operational information

is responsible for market analysis of manufacturers and consumers of manufactured products, development

advertising campaign for product sales

6. GIS viewers are...

the ability to create information requests and correct data

systems with the most extensive capabilities, including data input subsystems, powerful

query tools, means of outputting information to hard media

systems with the help of which data is selected and analyzed on time and other


built-in databases that the user cannot edit because they contain

there are no means of expanding, updating and correcting data

7. Raster maps transferred to the territorial data fund are...


uncleaned from existing defects in the source material

readable and contrasting

trimmed to the outer frame

8. The system ... is a topological geographic information system that forms

objects as a whole.





9. Feedback block...

is responsible for adjusting the results obtained at the output of the information system

replenishes the information system with data from various devices

provides information in various ways for further viewing
and study
requires the use of specialized devices (monitor, plotter, etc.)

analyzes the received data, evaluates it, transforms it and combines it with others

types of data

solves information transformation tasks

4. Visibility analysis as a tool of modern geoinformation systems …

analyzes objects relative to each other, for example, determining the number of houses,

located within a radius of several meters from the specified institution

conducts an analysis between the studied objects, taking into account the terrain and the surrounding


provides integration of data located in various thematic layers

makes it possible to calculate the population in a specific area

5. Production activity as one of the components of the municipal

geographic information system …

It is associated with the release of the entire product range and is aimed at creating and implementing

production of scientific and technological achievements

provides regulation of local processes of purchase and sale of real estate,

creating prerequisites for managing the processes of development of territories

monitors and analyzes monetary resources, including tax collection based on

operational information

responsible for the analysis of the market of manufacturers and consumers of manufactured products, development

an advertising campaign for the sale of products

6. GIS viewers are…

the ability to form information requests and correct data

systems with the most extensive capabilities, including data entry subsystems, are powerful

query tools, information output tools on hard media

systems that are used to select and analyze data on time and other


embedded databases that the user cannot edit because they contain

there are no means of expanding, updating and correcting data

7. Raster maps transferred to the territorial data fund are …


uncleaned from existing defects in the source material

readable and contrasting

cropped along the outer frame

8. The system ... It is a topological geoinformation system that forms

objects as a whole.





9. Feedback unit …

responsible for correcting the results obtained at the output of the information system

replenishes the information system with data from various devices

provides information in various ways for further viewing

and studying

analyzes the received data, evaluates it, transforms it and combines it with others

types of data

10. Technical support …

responsible for the programming of technological processes, mathematical statistics and


It is a set of legal norms regulating the procedure for receiving, processing and

use of information

It is a set of methods for classifying and encoding information

(unified documentation systems, database construction methodology)

It includes a set of technical means and technological processes (i.e. collection devices,

accumulation, processing, transmission, transformation and output of information)

13. The section of mathematics in which the properties of shapes that do not change during any continuous transformations are studied is …

14. Geoinformatics is …

a set of qualitative and quantitative characteristics related by

identification number

a set of hardware and software tools and algorithmic procedures designed to

for collecting, entering, storing mathematical and cartographic modeling

a scientific and applied discipline combining collection, processing, modeling, and analysis,

storage and transformation of data about terrain objects

software complexes that accumulate the knowledge of specialists in specific subject areas


15. Geoinformation technology is …

a set of hardware and software tools and algorithmic procedures designed to

for collecting, entering, storing mathematical and cartographic modeling

the set is of high
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