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Uploaded: 17.07.2024

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After payment you are guaranteed to receive a working steam account with the games Counter-Strike Global Offensive Prime and others. You will be the first owner of this account, there will be no returns or problems, since the accounts are new.

The following games are on the account: Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Prime and others.

- After paying for the goods, you will receive a login and password for your steam account with the game, as well as your email.
- Prime status.
- Before sale, all accounts are verified. We don´t have bad data.
- All accounts are new, you will be the first owner.
- The phone is not linked. To use your account, you must link your phone.
- All data can be changed to your own.
After logging into your account, do not forget to do the following steps in order:
1. Go to the steam website and log in. In the upper right corner, click on “Login” - “About account”
2. In the “Contact Information” section, add your phone number and confirm it. If you need to confirm your email, go to the post office.
3. In the same section, click on “Change email address”, the code for changing will be sent to your phone number specified in point 2.
4. After attaching the phone and changing the email, we proceed to changing the password. To do this, in the “Account Protection” section, click “Change Password” and follow the instructions.
5. After these steps, you will have your entire account at your disposal, which will remain with you forever.
If you have any difficulties, you can always contact the seller.
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