Database of Telegram channels and chats in various cities of Russia. In the database you can find chats for communication with residents of a specific city in Russia, find information about local news, various places, services, etc.
The database includes such cities as:
- Moscow
- St. Petersburg
- Yekaterinburg
- Kazan
- Novosibirsk
- Krasnodar
- Samara
- Nizhny Novgorod
- Krasnoyarsk
- Chelyabinsk
- Voronezh
- Perm
- Volgograd
- Saratov
- Tyumen
- Tolyatti
- Rostov-on-Don
- Belgorod
- Barnaul
- and others.
Each city in a separate file. Chats separately, Channels separately.
Number of chats and channels:
Information in the database in the Excel file:
- Type (channel or group). Separated.
- Name.
- Link.
- Number of subscribers.
- Ability to write in chat (yes / no).
- Availability of comments in the channel (yes / no).
Total number in the database: 90,000 pcs.
- Channels: 50,000 pcs.
- Chats: 40,000 pcs.
Date of database collection: January-February 2025
*Some channels may be deleted or blocked.